China Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge for Trans-Pacific Trade Eastbound
Dear Valued Customers,
Please be advised that OOCL will introduce China Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge (CLS) from Shanghai/Ningbo Port (including Yangtze River inland cargo via Shanghai/Ningbo) With effective November 11th, 2018 for trans-Pacific Trade
东方海外谨此通知您, 我司将从2018 年11 月11 日起对上海港/宁波港所有美国/加拿大航线的出口货物(包含长江内陆点经上海/ 宁波的中转货) 收取低硫燃油附加费(CLS)。
For shipments discharged via West Coast: 经由美西/加西的所有货物:
USD 6 / 20' Container 美金6 / 每20 英尺普通箱
USD 8 / 40' Container 美金8 / 每40 英尺普通箱
USD 9 / 40' High Cube Container 美金 9 / 每40 英尺高箱
USD 10 / 45' Container 美金10 / 每45 英尺高箱
For shipments discharged via East Coast: 经由美东/加东的所有货物:
USD 12 / 20' Container 美金12 / 每20 英尺普通箱
USD 15 / 40' Container 美金15 / 每40 英尺普通箱
USD 17 / 40' High Cube Container 美金 17 / 每40 英尺高箱
USD 19 / 45' Container 美金19 / 每45 英尺高箱
The effective date refers to Cargo Receipt Date
For any further information, please kindly contact our local sales representatives.
We keep providing quality service to all of you. Thank you for understanding and continuous support!